It's been a lifetime since I've posted on here! I have been giving my furries my 100% attention, it is a tough gig hand making every single order. It's so worth it, sending a piece of myself out with every pht goody. I will never give up.
Here is a shoot featured in Aether Magazine Issue 6 (like real hold in your hand mag!!!), shot by my friend and rising star Rose Ng. Full spread and more about what I have been up to after the break!
A lot has happened lately! A huge one was liaising with Asos and The Ragged Priest over design infringements (you'd know all about it via my instagram). In the end they really respected my views and pulled them from the store - that's one step to changing the money hungry fashion industry!
I have also launched my brand new store and recently met and worked with some amazing talent like Dynasti, and we even visited Pai's studio to compare notes with each other.
But the most exciting is seeing instagram IT girls like @rubygloom, @yungelita, @jasthedreamer and @angel_cum as well as other girls tagging me - actually supporting my vision - buying and wearing my stuff.
All this wouldn't have been possible or as fulfilling if it wasn't for your support, please remember that and thank you so much for everything! :)