Turning the big ONE NINE today!
Started the day with receiving constant tele-love notes, then got taken out to breakfast at Anouk, Paddington. They have the best muddled drinks, highly recommended!
As we were sitting there after devouring delicious vine cherry tomato omelets, I thought my lovely best friend wanted to embarrass me by belting out HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU!!... My initial reaction was to stare at her, bewildered and attempt to cover her mouth...until i realized one of the waiters started singing too with the most handsome flour-less chocolate cake in his hands complete with raspberries, ice-cream and a sparkler!
As the week ends, I'm older, but feeling so ever the same is ready for an epic weekend!
(All good things happen on this day...not to mention - kate moss for topshop is launched today!)